[Arm-netbook] $250 Dev Kit

lkcl luke luke.leighton at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 18:12:52 GMT 2012

On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 5:15 PM, Alejandro Mery <amery at geeks.cl> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 17:42, lkcl luke <luke.leighton at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 2:35 PM, Alejandro Mery <amery at geeks.cl> wrote:
>>>> If this gets too difficult since they aren't used to dealing with a
>>>> credit card and including the shipping cost, please let me know.
>>> I can deal with the monster fee the bank will charge me for making the
>>> wire (TT), but if they don't accept to ship it using regular
>>> registered air mail I am not interested in buying the kit nor keep
>>> doing anything related with this SoC. There are plenty other SoCs and
>>> kits I can use to develop the arm skills I seek.
>>  ok i remember my experiences with china mail - china mail has a deal
>> in place with companies like the Royal Mail in the UK, so stuff
>> uuusually gets out the country ok (except to germany or italy.  stuff
>> that goes into italy has a 90% chance of being stolen unless it's
>> Registered, and even then it's hit-and-miss).
> to Spain RR**CN and RR**HK works great :-)
>>  shall i get my associate jimmy to give them a call? (he speaks chinese)
> How many kits do we need to "order" to $justify$ his involvement
> without doubling the cost of them? :-)

 you don't.  jimmy works for RHT [commission-only basis, like me].  so
we get the benefit of his skills at sales / diplomacy.


> What really pissed me off is that while we are willing to invest money
> and our scarse spare time in helping THEM they (except Tom and his
> manager) seem to see us as an annoyance and aren't willing to make a
> (tiny) effort to reciprocate.

 it's a mindset thing.  they've never had to deal with software
engineers, before - ever.  not ones who add value without having to
pay anything to them, anyway.

 i had to go through 2 years of negotiations with over 100 companies
to find that one factory that understood enough english _and_ was
willing to accept a partnership deal.

 *sigh* so it depends on which battles you want to win, today.

 do you want to fight a battle against their marketing dept, who will
have been the ones to dictate the pricing *against* the advice of the
engineers, and against the PRC-funded Grant System, and potentially
lose access to this ultra-low-cost SoC and its future variants that we
know are coming down the pipeline?

 meehhh.... :)


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