[Arm-netbook] Status update

Adam Van Ymeren adam at vany.ca
Mon Nov 21 17:06:21 GMT 2022

On 2022-11-21 8:56 a.m., Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 4:48 PM Adam Van Ymeren<adam at vany.ca>  wrote:
>>>       "where are the 93 Cards sent to you in March 2021"
>> There were ~1000+ cards ordered on Crowd Supply.  Perhaps we should assume that Chris and
>> those 93 cards are gone and focus on what we can do in their absence?
> unfortunately there are more backers than there are Cards, and there are
> not enough components left to replace those missing Cards, and not enough
> money to *pay* for components, to replace the components necessary to
> replace those missing Cards.
> it is absolutely critically essential to fulfilling the promises made
> that those Cards
> be tracked down and extracted by any means necessary, from whoever currently
> possesses them.

Other options are finding a way to raise money to cover the lost cards, and/or
finding volunteers to forfeit their cards for the success of the project

The 93 missing cards doesn't prevent us from shipping the other cards does it?

Shipping cards builds momentum and interest.  There are (were?) a lot of passionate
supporters of this project.  People know that crowd funded projects have risk.

Shipping 90% of cards late seems like a better result than shipping 0% of cards because
10% of them went missing.

If we ship cards and start building momentum again it's possible that we build enough
interest to sell more cards at a slight markup which can be used to replace the missing pieces.

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