[Arm-netbook] microdesktop casework as DXF files for laser-cutting

Normand Chamberland gemnoc at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 11:34:02 BST 2017

2017-03-31 5:47 GMT-04:00 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl at lkcl.net>:

>  normand, can you please not use non-free proprietary git services for
> this project, it sends completely the wrong message.  please delete
> that github repository immediately, it brings the EOMA68 project's
> reputation into disrepute and that's completely unacceptable.

FYI My repo had a README file for which content specifically said

> This repository hosts my personal design files for the EOMA68 project.
This is not the official project repository.

I fail to see how they could bring "disrepute" to it.since these files were

I spent valuable time setting this up but fine, I just deleted it.

> if you do not have a savannah or other libre hosting service please
> send me an ssh public key and i will set you up with a gitolite
> repository.

No, right now I'm too fucking pissed off by your zealotry to do anything
resembling that and I might very well stop my contributions right there.
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