[Arm-netbook] Logging and journaling

Wolfgang Romey hier at wolfgangromey.de
Sun Feb 12 15:12:06 GMT 2017


Am 12.02.2017 um 05:26 schrieb Julie Marchant:

> Also, please, get off your high horse:
> 1. You're using proprietary CAD software.
> 2. You use YouTube.
> 3. You have not released all the PCB CAD files.
> 4. You have admitted to signing NDAs.
> Et cetera.

I will put something on top of it because I am getting angry:
Unfortunately Luke is or is becoming a Ethics-Extremist. Extremism
allways does harm. So it is hurting the project (and Lukes health). Out
of his extremism he uses an extreme language. He calls for example
enterprises and people criminal, which never have broken any law. One
could write, that have conducted completely wrong, but calling them
criminal is burning bridges. This extreme language is one of the reasons
for the heated discussion on the list.

If Luke is so extrem about ethics, how can he distribute hardware at
all? There is no ethical hardware: they get gold and/or other material
from warlords or other criminals, the working conditions are ruining the
health of the workers, chip-production does great harm to the
enviroment, ...

I cannot see that Luke has tackeld any of this problems at all, which he
should as he is so extrem. Distributing hardware is much, much more
unethical than distributing systemd.

One last example: Luke hates Fairphone too and calls them a criminal
enterprise. Fairphone not Apple! That is burning bridges! Fairphone as a
tiny enterprise does try to go a few steps in the direction of ethical
hardware. They try to find ethical produced minerals, they care about
working conditions. In these questions they are far ahead of Luke (in
other questions Luke is far ahead). In his hate Luke cannot respect what
they do and does not recognize any progress, because they are great

So for me there are limits in being ethical. You can be ethical in only
part of your life. That should make you refining from extreme positions
and not using extrem language. Some are unethical in this area, which
you can critizise, you are unethical in an other area. So be kind with
the people, which does not exclude sharp critizism, and you would too
reduce the harm done to your project (and your health).


Bitte Anhänge nur in Freien Formaten!


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