[Arm-netbook] Logging and journaling

Jonathan Frederickson silverskullpsu at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 01:37:39 GMT 2017

>  sorry, allan: that's not the case.  if a decision-making process is
> by "consensus", ignoring or overruling the wishes of *any* one person,
> then by definition is is unethical.  there is a fundamental and in
> many cases pathologically-held belief that is unfortunately ingrained
> into western culture that "democracy" - majority voting - is
> acceptable.  the reality is that *by definition* it's fundamentally
> unethical.

How can any decision-making process meet this requirement? There are
often conflicting desires between different members of a community. In
such a case, making *any* decision will have overruled the wishes of
at least one community member. Democracy at least lets everyone
express their wishes, rather than having e.g. a dictator that makes
decisions regardless of the wishes of the people under their

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