[Arm-netbook] Handheld Games Console

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Mon Sep 28 11:41:42 BST 2015

On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 10:09 AM, GaCuest <gacuest at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Daniel, Luke and everyone.
> I want to introduce you to Peter Bouda.

 hi peter, welcome

> He has contacted me because he liked the project.
> He is a software developer ( http://www.ubrew.it/ ) and he has offered help to develop the software of the handheld games console.


> He does not know a lot about hardware design, but he has told me he will try to learn more about this to help in the design of hardware. So maybe soon he can also help in the design of hardware.

 well there are a couple of main tasks, peter, software-wise.  the
first is integration of EOMA68 into the linux kernel, but i believe
the team at your end decided that they won't support EOMA68 at a
software level, only taking advantage of the hardware.

 the second is, as daniel mentioned, the STM32F embedded controller.
this i recommend using libopencm3 and i will help out by developing
the firmware for the laptop_15in_pcb2 simultaneously.  if you can send
me an ssh public key i will arrange to add you to the git repository.

 also i recommend joining the mailing list here, it will make life
easier.  or, you guys should probably set one up for the project:
alain will almost certainly be happy to help there.


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