[Arm-netbook] apologies

joem joem at martindale-electric.co.uk
Wed Nov 13 13:50:35 GMT 2013

> > If the UART TX pin defaults to a high value, the
> > pull up will still drive the EOMA.
>  i think.... i think the pull-up needs to go on the other side of the diode.
> > through the 68 pins. (Connecting to external 3.3V is no good -
>  *sing-song* nooOOo, that's not good enough to say that: a solution
> has to be found because that's what the situation is, end of story.

The second diagram is best:

1. It uses power from MEB
2. It disconnects power to EOMA if the UART is pulled out
3. It can prevent power from pull up resistor reaching
   EOMA if the UART TX line is driven low.
4. It prevent power from PC reaching the EOMA through the UART
   TX line.
5. The worst case situation is UART holds TX line high
   and power reaches the EOMA through the pull up resistor.
   The EOMA may not power cycle properly if that happens.

   But it is unlikely to get damaged because the 1.8K / 3.3K
   resistors places a limit on how high the voltage on
   the pin can rise. It can rise to about 3.3V and no more.
   The maximum current drain by CPU is about 2mA which is not
   enough to do damage (as far as I know).

All other solutions seen so far
(other than connecting to 3.3V internal CPU power inside EOMA)
is flawed because enough power can reach the CPU
through the pull up resistor to keep it from shutting down properly.
Some combinations will not allow the CPU to reset until the MEB power
is cycled even if the UART is not connected. That is a dopey solution.

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