[Arm-netbook] "allwinner's A10" codenamed "sun4i crane", linux kernel v2.6.36 patch available

Michelle Konzack linux4michelle at tamay-dogan.net
Sun Nov 13 08:34:56 GMT 2011

>  Endless code bloat isn't the solution, even if the SoC manufacturers 
>  were to decide to provide long term support/maintenance of their kernel 
>  contributions. The obvious solution is to come up with a standard ARM 
>  BIOS - but the chances of that happening any time soon (and probably at 
>  all) is pretty close to 0.

Since it is <http://www.arm.com/> which make the  specification,  it  is
generaly up to them, to make it work.

I do not think (but would be a cool idea), we can buy  some  specs  like
A8, A9 or A15 and design and manufacturer our own ARM µC  which  use  an
unified  ARM-BIOS including something like the crashfree EZ-BIOS from
Asus, Booting from CD-Rom over SATA or USB...

Note:   I have already calculated the price only  for  the  specs  (A15,
        SATA3, USB 3.0) and we would need to build minimum 1mio units to
        get our money back...

        It is nearly impossibel to start a new Enterprise from  scratch,
        except somone is willing to spend around 20-25mio Euro  for  the
        project.  It requires a bunch of Full-Time Employees  and  Super
        Geeks which do not expect a sallery (brut) of >4000 Euro/Month.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack

##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ######################
   Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux
               Internet Service Provider, Cloud Computing

itsystems at tdnet                     Jabber  linux4michelle at jabber.ccc.de
Owner Michelle Konzack

Gewerbe Strasse 3                   Tel office: +49-176-86004575
77694 Kehl                          Tel mobil:  +49-177-9351947
Germany                             Tel mobil:  +33-6-61925193  (France)

USt-ID:  DE 278 049 239

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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