[Arm-netbook] Scripts to build hardware packs and generate a bootable SD card

cnxsoft cnxsoft at cnx-software.com
Sun Jun 17 10:01:59 BST 2012

> First of all, thanks for these scripts.  Very nice and handy!
> I had to hack this script up a bit to handle mmc* devices (vs sd*), as
> mmc* devices uses DEVICEp# instead of DEVICE#.  I'll make my changes
> nice and submit a pull request, if you want ;)
Yes, please.

On another note, the hardware pack for Mele a1000 does not seem to work 
for MK802, but the Ubuntu 10.04 image released by Tom works. I'm not 
really sure why and I can't test it because I don't have such hardware 
for now. So If somebody is willing to test it on MK802 and find out 
what's wrong it would be nice. Thanks.

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