[Arm-netbook] ST Nova™ A9500

lkcl luke luke.leighton at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 11:17:18 GMT 2012

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 8:28 AM, Peter Korsgaard <jacmet at sunsite.dk> wrote:

>  > so it's all down to pricing.  they've paid linaro's $USD 1m per year
>  > fees, so that has to be covered somehow.  bari, if you're speaking to
>  > avnet (or whomever) could you ask about those two ICs as well (AV8100
>  > and LAN9221-iABZJ).  if we have 1k and 50k volume pricing we'll have a
>  > clear idea of whether they have head-in-clouds or realistic numbers.
> The SMSC 10/100 lan92xx are afaik ~$5 in volume.

 oo, ouch.  so, compared to the allwinner (e.g. the A12), the cost of
supplying the ethernet chip alone is the same cost as the entire

 hey, i got a great idea!  yeah - why not... why not put the allwinner
A12 CPU when it comes out, right, as the SATA and Ethernet IC?  that'd
work, right? yeah!  wire it up to one of the USB ports, yeah!  oh
wait, you need to give it some RAM, too, but hey, that wouldn't cost
much more, eh?

 bizarre :)


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