How to market eoma68 vs intel card in a positive way?
Heres a go, please edit,suggest as you feel. hmm sounds like a wiki page
is coming :) :
*Grass roots developed - made by someone who cares
*Any processor make
*Made with free software and its developers in mind. to help advance and
fund free software.
*Hardware that just works for free software and there for any software
*Makes it easier for the creation and maintenance of many, yet to be
thought of, new devices.
*Higher Spec additional standard EOMA200 in the works after current ones
products are in the market.
*Smaller, extra compact card Spec, EOMACF addition also on the future list.
*Only certification fees. No royalty fees
*Made by for profit making but good will first company, as opposite to
extreme maximising company. The priority is the best computer card
*EOMA68 is spec’ed for lower power consuming devices. ideal for battery
power devices. See future EOMA200 for high power consumption / more
powerful computers(SOCS)
*hmm what else?