[Arm-netbook] EOMA68 Computing Devices Update: 2.7.5 Cards Under Way, NLnet, and Intel Compute Card

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Sun May 5 21:58:25 BST 2019


Thanks once again for another update on the progress being made with the 
different boards:


It must be frustrating to encounter production issues (with the Micro 
Desktop), but I imagine that such things are only avoidable with enough 
experience of the relevant processes. I suppose that the only way to deal with 
them is to take the lesson along for next time, pretty much as is noted in the 

Meanwhile, it sounds like the computer cards are waiting for components before 
being assembled, so we should remain hopeful that their production is more 
straightforward. It will be interesting to read the next update, certainly.


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