[Arm-netbook] Ubuntu as a moral ideology applied to "Guilds"

J.L. eaterjolly at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 22:47:57 BST 2019

In the vaguest-broadest historical sense, guild means a loose
hierarchal collective identifing with one category of labour (the
craft), who make potentially predictable aspects of the craft less
unpredictable through exposition and memorization. Trust pre-requires
any "cathedral" such as a "guild" to not abusively attempt to
solipsistically shape reality by shaping the perception of reality,
such as by investing in predictions disporportionately with certainty
in those predictions merely as an expression of desire for those
prediction's to be true. Ubuntu roughly translates to "a state caused
by social justice called personhood" represents a practice of
protecting the differences of others as well as yourself through
intentionally detached means, essentially giving attention to whether
others are who they want to be and seeking to keep them who they want
to be even while fighting them. At scale, that equates to maximizing
agency (or choices on who or what to be agent of). Ubuntu fits in the
semantics where I placed the keyword 'abusively' or where one might
believe in 'solipsism'. A "cathedral" such as a "guild" indubitably
makes bets which shape reality solely by shaping the perception of
reality, whether one literally believes in solipsism or figuratively
believes people build according to what any "cathedral" facilitates
their visualization of. Thus, one might claim ubuntu obligates a
"cathedral" such as a "guild" to describe reality in a way maximally
motivating to the most extremely detached interests.

The following video (licensed creative commons) at one point uses
agile as an example, while describing in detail (without explicitly
mentioning the word) how give ubuntu to others from the most socially
abstract (a leadership) position in the terran civilization (earth):

(if the author had heard about ubuntu, they would probably agree with ubuntu)


Note some grammatical nuances: 1 i say socially abstract rather than
leadership, to support the notion of invisible unstructured entirely
anonymous influence over a "standalone complex"; socially abstract
describes the state of mind and epistemological faculties rather than
any particular identity, such as how the (what I'd call) 'temporal
identity' of 'the laughing man' is controlled by ideas rather than a
person. 2 i say terran civilization to include all intelligent or
potentially intelligent species on any terra-class planet, rather than
any more limited more common category 3 ubuntu traditionally
recognizes animal species as having the potential to achieve more
ubuntu than humans on occasion, therefore calling the state humanity
contradicts the nature of ubuntu in a fundamental way for no
relationship has more potential for detachment than beings physically
(not merely cognitively) in capable of communicating the same

The following video attempts to describe ubuntu explicitly. The author
very prolifically documents popular ideologies commonly referred to as
"philosophy" particularly "greek philosophy", which should give them
some accreditation to judge the merits of ubuntu. The author currently
lives in west africa, which should accredit their ability to
accurately research african philosophy.


I would definitely like to get in contact with the author to ask them
about licensing all their awesome contributions the internet's
commonwealth of information, as creative commons.

To any one interested, I still have interest in updating the
rhombus-tech wiki including the tables summarizing the scale and
freeness of known major open source projects. I still have interest in
PocketCHIP's hardware (though the backing company failed/collapsed),
though I believe heavily in urbit's OS architecture so I want to focus
my effort in studying urbit with the intention to perhaps one day have
hardware such as EOMA (novice) or PocketCHIP (hacker) form a bottom-up
libre computer boot to an urbit userland with as minimal middleware as
possible. I need to learn/develop-in-mind the standards (or, one might
say, the most ubuntu way) first, then make progress in that direction.
In short, I want as certain about where I want to go as possible,
prior to taking steps in any direction.

Please don't discount me for my absence : P

Side-note: I've joined the U.S. Navy
(not a fan of the U.S. military, yet hope to make a difference)


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