[Arm-netbook] What's your EOMA card doing

Tor, the Marqueteur Marqueteur at FineArtMarquetry.com
Mon May 15 10:24:50 BST 2017

On 14/05/17 23:02, mike.valk at gmail.com wrote:
> Let's have a "What's your EOMA card doing" site so the world can see
> where and how long cards are alive and what use they have.

That sounds like an interesting thing to follow.  Whether I'd do so with
mine remains to be seen.
> Perhaps have each card have a, printed, unique number. So it's journey
> can be followed.
> This obviously has security and privacy issues attached so it would need
> a lot of thinking through.

Some kind of serial number is pretty typical on something like this card
to begin with, just to keep track of when it was made, and be able in the
event of early failures to figure out which batch of components was faulty.

Using this serial number may not be a good idea for various reasons.  It
would add slightly to manufacturing costs (not ideal), but I could see a
separate unique identifier printed on a semi-removable label attached to
the card for use on such a site.  Just adding a die cut split to the
serial number label would probably be about right.  IME, those labels
typically last the lifetime of the product, but on the material it would
be adhered to, with a little effort they can be cleanly removed.

If actual registration of the card to be publicly tracked must be
manually done by the user, I see no systemic privacy issues to worry
about at the site maintainer/manufacturer(Luke) level.  People who are
comfortable with the world knowing and proud to display it will register,
while others won't.


Tor Chantara
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