[Arm-netbook] Totally derailed topic

Lyberta lyberta at lyberta.net
Thu May 11 09:46:00 BST 2017

Elena ``of Valhalla'':
> Well, some people have faith, and they don't have a choice in having it
> or not. Personally I feel it's like having another sense like smell:
> imprecise, prone to misunderstanding, but it's there and those who have
> it cannot deny that they feel something.

Well, I had faith when I was a kid. When I grew up, I understood that it
only does harm and consciously removed it from myself. It's possible. It
is a choice.

> well, not really. power and lust for it is the cause of most *phobia in
> the world; homosexual and trans people are among the minorities that are
> currently used as an easy target to turn people's insatisfaction with
> the current situation on, like in the past it was the jews (and
> homosexuals, and jehowa's witnesses, etc) in germany, the japanese in
> the US during the war and the communists afterwards, etc. 

Yes, but religious people are so stupid that they accept it. People who
fall into religion are usually weak-minded and prone to exploitation.
That is why we must actively combat the spread of religion. We must ban
all public religious practices, ban all religious holidays, we must
destroy churches. While I'm usually for freedom of thought, the spread
of religious thought does extreme harm to society. That's why we have
prisons in even most democratic countries. Because some people pose
enough harm to deny them freedom. Religious people are exactly like that.

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