[Arm-netbook] System 76 - Entering Phase 3

Hendrik Boom hendrik at topoi.pooq.com
Fri Apr 21 17:04:33 BST 2017

On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 11:04:07PM -0700, Mike Leimon wrote:
> I understand that Ubuntu isn't your distro of choice (it isn't mine either)

It isnt a question of whether Ubuntu is my distro of choice.
Distros can be replaced.

The real question is whether it requires proprietry devce drivers.

Did they use Ubuntu becaus of proprietary device drivers?

Or because it happens to be one of the most popular distros around?

I've been told Ubuntu has licenced proprietary software.

I've been told Ubuntu has no proprietary device drivers.  If that's 
true, being able to run Ubuntu indicates some measure of long-term 
safety, if not libre/freedom.

I'm not sure what to believe.

-- hendrik

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