[Arm-netbook] early alpha production run of libre laptop PCBs, microdesktops and CPU Cards

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Wed Dec 16 16:30:23 GMT 2015

On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Paul Boddie <paul at boddie.org.uk> wrote:
> On Wednesday 16. December 2015 16.28.09 Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
>>  microcontrollers are actually a very small amount of memory, so if
>> you are writing lots of code, you're doing something badly, badly
>> wrong.  it is however a bit of a mind-bender: everything has to be
>> state-driven.  it's single-process (no threads, no state-swapping),
>> interrupts and DMA.  so everything is done as a huuuuge
>> state-machine... or on polling with sleep loops.
> Well, the microcontroller stuff I have a bit more experience with, having
> messed around with a USB controller (MAX3421E) with the Arduino,

 oh great - yeah the STM32F072 is like a grown-up version of the
arduino.  none of this bullshit installing 160mb of java runtime, a
toy-for-an-IDE that does nothing more than wrap sdcc and avr-utils
even to the point of modifying simple Makefiles for you.  i bought an
OSMC back in 2001, it had the same PICs as the arduino, and *nobody*
arsed about with 250mb of crap to wrap 5mb worth of libraries and
command-line compiler tools!

 rant over.... :)

 yeah using libopencm3, it's just Makefiles and gcc arm
cross-compilers with no stdlib [gcc-arm-none]. the community
surrounding libopencm3 is quite large, so there are actually plenty of
examples out there as well as people who can help.


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