[Arm-netbook] http://rhombus-tech.net/community_ideas/kde_tablet/news/

joem joem at martindale-electric.co.uk
Mon Dec 22 09:49:19 GMT 2014

>  http://hands.com/~lkcl/3dcase.tgz
>  worked it out.  there's a function "projection" - the resultant
> output needs to be opened in openscad then manually exported, it takes
> forever but i ran it the 5 times needed and produced 5 DXF files.
> assuming 1mm veneer:
>  layer 1: qty 2 needed (touchpanel surround)
>  layer 2: qty 2 needed (lcd and pcb inset)
>  layer 3: qty 3 needed (component surround, microsd)
>  layer 4: qty 4 needed (component surround)
>  layer 5: qty 1 needed (lid)
> so those are 2.0mm, 2.0mm, 3.0mm, 4.0mm and 1.0mm
> the files may actually contain more than one part (as there are gaps)
> so they may need editing. also i noticed i got the holes just above
> the micro-sd... also i realised i need to modify this to take into
> account the capacitive panel cable *sigh* but it took so damn long to
> run i'd be happy to modify the layer by hand.
> let me know, joe, if the dxf files are good for the machine you're using.

They look OK, I give it a go - probably have to cut and glue the parts
with lots of hollow insides into 2 or more pieces to avoid wasting
material - or lap them etc.

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