[Arm-netbook] EOMA68-A20 now booting Linaro distro from uSD card

joem joem at martindale-electric.co.uk
Wed Sep 18 15:59:59 BST 2013

On Wed, 2013-09-18 at 15:18 +0200, Arokux X wrote:

>         >         > As I understand it, Linaro guys are not compiling
>         from
>         >         scratch. They put an
>         >         > image together using packages from the ARM-repos
>         provided by
>         >         Ubuntu.
>         >
>         >
>         >          the build-log file looks like a classic
>         debootstrap.
>         > lb stays for live-build.
>         Thanks Arokux.
>         Too much to take in in one gulp - may be days to chew over it.
>         Any instructions on what I can do to cut the chase
>         and get to sources for
>         Linaro
>          http://releases.linaro.org/latest/ubuntu/raring-images/alip
>         linaro-raring-alip-20130826-474 ?  :)
> Joe, you must specify your goal more clearly. So I'll ask once again: 
> Do you want to recreate a Linaro ALIP image all the way from sources?
> If the answer is yes, you should do it step by step. Chasing the
> source code of the packages is too early now. First you need to learn
> how to create an image out of *built* packages.
> Then you learn how to build the packages you need for the image
> (debmirror, pbuilder etc.)

$$$$ Krsching!! $$$

The fog is slowly clearing and I have plan!

The goal is to create the freedom to distribute working bootable Linux
distro binary images with tool chain ready to be used as soon as it is
unzipped and dd'd into a SD card or a sata drive and satisfy the GPL.

The GPL says if you are distributing a binary
you must distribute the sources and the tools.
If the tools are also gpl'd then as its being distributed
as a binary, the sources for tools are also needed.
And also sources for anything else in the binary such as the entire
distro and its packages.

That scare me no more.

Assuming for now everything is in git format, i just do a git clone
of every bit of sources on to a 1TB disk, and create a script for each
item that needs to be checked out for a particular release.
I zip the disk with the checked out files and
put that source code online for anyone to download whenever I distribute
the binary so gpl distribution rule is satisfied.

It might clock up to 100GB or more. The bigger that disk becomes,
the more likely I make $$$ because no daft person is going to download
that amount of data!

But no worries, I will also sell dd'd copies of the 
1TB disk with everything on it
and make sure I ship a free (as in gratis) swiss chocolate (its a Luke
thing) with each 1TB disk!

The clever bit is that I can do a git pull, and so could the buyer
to keep their 1TB disk up to date. They don't have to buy new disks
if they get new revisions of software they want to use.

And if demand is placed on them to gpl their binaries, they could
do the same trick and dd copy the disks and sell the disks on.

So like me with my 1TB disk, they too have their 1TB disk
and are never going to be scared of distributing binaries ever

Once I have the 1TB disk, I'm not overly burdened maintaining it.
Every time I need to create a new binary with the latest software
releases, I can do a git pull and
git checkout of the relevant version. Also create a script to do this.
So with very little work, the 1TB disk is
ready again with new sources for a new binary image I want to

$$$$ Krsching!! $$$

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