[Arm-netbook] MEBv1 - All dressed up and no EMOA to go.

Wookey wookey at wookware.org
Thu Oct 17 00:25:34 BST 2013

+++ luke.leighton [2013-10-16 09:57 +0100]:

>  mmm..... i _do_ have *maybe* one spare A10 card: if you're guaranteed
> to use it (we have 20+ CPU Cards out there and only 3 people actually
> using them)

Yes. Guilty as charged. I keep hoping that a) various other urgent
things like arm64 bootstraping will back off and b) someone will send
me a MEB1 or 2 to make it easier, but gmail's refusal to deliver my
mail hasn't helped with that.

If someone told I defo _wasn't_ getting a MEB anytime soon I might pucker
up and buy a connector, or stuff some wires in holes and do it the hard way.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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