[Arm-netbook] UPDATE: EOMA-68 Micro Engineering Boards QUESTION/OPTIONS.

Christopher Thomas christopher at firemothindustries.com
Sun Jul 21 16:03:21 BST 2013

Hello Everyone,
   I bring warm greetings but bad news from the bedside. I had an accident this morning where I fell 8ft (2.5m) onto the back of a chair. I lacerated my right torso, cracked 3 ribs, and punctured my right hand 15mm into the muscle. I am ordered to rest for 3 days before attempting any mild activity/movement, but it could be a week before I am able to move around. To the 4 people who requested their MEBs be sent out now, I will try to find a friend or family to arrange shipment of your MEBs this week. Previous complications arose Thursday preventing shipping of some units and I am just now able to get the time to address the list.  

I truly am sorry for this delay. I will try my best to get them out ASAP.  

-Christopher Thomas

If anyone needs a letter explaining the delay for business reasons, I can provide any evidence/notes necessary. 

Please contact me off list if you have any questions, and I'll try to address your concerns as best I can. My phone is the only thing my kids/family will allow me to use and I appreciate the mental stimuli. 

Sent from my iPhone. 

On Jul 18, 2013, at 7:25 AM, Christopher Thomas <christopher at firemothindustries.com> wrote:

> On Jul 17, 2013, at 5:39 PM, Christopher Thomas <christopher at firemothindustries.com> wrote:
>> Hello Everyone!
>>    I just wanted to inform everyone that the Micro-Engineering Boards (I/O Interface Boards) for the EOMA-68 Cards will be ready to Ship Tomorrow. Thursday, July 18th, 2013. To everyone who ordered, I wanted to offer you two options.
>> Option 1) These boards have not been functionally tested with the EOMA-68 A20 Cards yet, however, they have been tested for Continuity and SHOULD technically work. So if you would like, I can send your boards tomorrow, without testing. 
>> Option 2) You can wait to have your board assembled and shipped until we can confirm they work 100% with the EOMA-68 A20 Cards. I am receiving my A20 cards tomorrow, and will commence the arduous task of reprogramming them with Debian. The A20 cards are running a barebones        
>> Arduino
> Typo, Android is installed. Freudian slip, was working on my kids' project. 
>> image without any SATA/Eth/HDMI interfaces "enabled",
> They do not have anything setup, except serial and USB-OTG. (Thanks Luke).
>> they will require work to get running. I do have the programming environment setup, and it is ready and waiting for these boards. However, I wanted to be up front and honest, and inform you that I HAVE NOT worked with the A20 cards before. I have worked with many MK802, Hackberry A10s, and rPI's, and I do have the process down for those boards. That said, what I will be attempting tomorrow once I receive the EOMA068 A20 cards, will be to work out the script.fex process, and get a basic running environment capable of testing the MEB. There is a chance (a very good chance), that it could take a couple days for me to get them running, but there is also a chance that I can get them running tomorrow and tested. 
>> I do not want to delay anyone who has been patiently, yet anxiously awaiting their MEBs, but I also want to ensure that I can help as many people as possible. Even if that means working out the kinks to ensure you're satisfied with a product I assembled. I want to offer the same service I offer to any of my clients when I perform a task. 
>> It has been said before, but I will say it again. Working or not, these boards were bought and paid for with the understanding that they are ENGINEERING SAMPLES. Which means, they do not come with any warranties, expressed or implied. The work I have done, and continue to do, is merely a courtesy I am offering to the Open Source community, and to the Developers involved in the development and advancement of the EOMA ideology. I also want to clarify, that I am not endorsed or paid by QiMOD or Rhombus Tech, my opinions and actions are my own. While I do stand by my work, I can not offer guarantees that the EOMA-68 Micro Engineering Boards (MEBs) will work for your application, and it is entirely your responsibility upon receipt of the MEBs, to ensure their operation.
> Again these, and the EOMA-68 A20,are samples, and come with no guarantees. 
>> If anyone has any questions or request. Please let me know ASAP, also, be sure to respond with an answer to the Options listed above. Once I receive your answer, those who have not paid for shipping, I will issue you an invoice for the shipping charges, and to those who have paid, I will ship your MEBs as requested.
> To those that want them now. They will ship by 6pm CST TODAY. 
>> Thank you,
>> Christopher Thomas
>> Firemoth Industries, LLC - Owner
>> christopher at firemothindustries.com
>> 214-458-5990
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