[Arm-netbook] ST Nova™ A9500

Bari Ari bari at onelabs.com
Wed Jan 18 01:18:35 GMT 2012

On 01/17/2012 05:33 PM, lkcl luke wrote:
> if we have 1k and 50k volume pricing we'll have a
> clear idea of whether they have head-in-clouds or realistic numbers.
> my immediate feeling is that, although it was initially exciting i
> think we can do better (e.g. tegra 3, which has SATA-II, gigabit
> ethernet and PCI-e).
> it all comes down to price.  but, feature-wise, it's stacking up
> closely against the TI OMAP44xx series, which also doesn't have
> on-board ethernet or SATA-II.
At 1K you're pretty much at the mercy of the distributor, or you search 
the trading sites for parts that fell off trucks or were leftover from 
production runs. At 50K pcs you can negotiate a bit. 50K x $20 = $1M

If you can move 100K's/yr the price will fall into line with whatever 
the market is for a similar device. The problem is lots of small or 
unknown customers/projects come in and talk about 100K or 500K pcs and 
then the supplier chuckles at "another project with 100-500K pcs" and 
goes back to something more worthy of their time. Line up the real 
orders for 100k's of pieces and they will be standing in line to sell 
you parts. 250K x $15 = $3.75M


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