[Arm-netbook] CedarXWrapper - A library for tracing the cedarx library

lkcl luke luke.leighton at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 14:50:36 BST 2012

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 9:36 AM, Iain Bullard <iain.bullard at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for all the feedback, its appreciated.
> I should explain that I was pointed towards the memory mapped IO
> tracing by Luc Verhaegen from the lima driver project. The basis of
> the wrapper code and logging code is heavily borrowed from the lima
> project. So many thanks to Luc.
> I do have access to unstripped versions of the cedarx decoding library
> where the function name which triggered a memory operation could be
> recorded but I think this would cause problems when trying to perform
> a 'clean room' style reverse engineering effort. Recording the
> internal function names of the driver might be peering in too far?

 absolutely not - i.e. it is NOT quotes too far quotes.  fuck that
shit, ok?  be bold, and get what you need.  all you need to do is to
create a specification.  you pass that specification over to another

 so: feel free to use whatever you need, and whatever techniques, and
whatever you can get your hands on.  i have a legally-licensed copy of
IDAPro 4.98 if you need to do disassembly, for example.

 BUT... DO NOT in ANY WAY, discuss ANY DETAILS on this list.  do not
post files or copies of files.  do not post or make available object
files.  do not post disassembly listings, do not post function names,
do not post memory maps.  the ONLY thing you should post is the "final
specification", or draft versions thereof.


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