[Arm-netbook] CedarXWrapper - A library for tracing the cedarx library

Iain Bullard iain.bullard at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 09:36:19 BST 2012

Thanks for all the feedback, its appreciated.

I should explain that I was pointed towards the memory mapped IO
tracing by Luc Verhaegen from the lima driver project. The basis of
the wrapper code and logging code is heavily borrowed from the lima
project. So many thanks to Luc.

I do have access to unstripped versions of the cedarx decoding library
where the function name which triggered a memory operation could be
recorded but I think this would cause problems when trying to perform
a 'clean room' style reverse engineering effort. Recording the
internal function names of the driver might be peering in too far?

Tom: what are licencing restrictions on those libraries and
documentation? If a very simple standalone player were created using
them could the required libraries you put on dropbox be released with

Also, would it be possible for us to put those libraries up on github
(or anywhere else more permanent) and replace a10 video code which
doesn't work here: https://github.com/amery/allwinner-a10-video?


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