[Arm-netbook] Block Diagram EOMA-68 Handheld Games Console

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton lkcl at lkcl.net
Mon Sep 8 10:23:02 BST 2014

On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Richard Zink <zink at hexatux.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Sep 2014 12:52:33 +0100
> Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl at lkcl.net> wrote:
>> aaa.  btw the MXC6225XU is basically "are we vertical, are we
>> horizontal" it doesn't provide any kind of "tilt" or angle, and it is
>> 2-axis not 3-axis.  the data output is either 0x00 or 0xff.
> In fact it *gives* you an output for X and Y (Which is from -128 to 127).

 i have the prototype first tablet, i tested the MXC6225 which was
installed on it: the only values given were 0x00 and 0xff.  the
MXC6225 is basically for ultra-low-cost devices where all you need to
know is:

    "is this device upright or is it on its side, yes or no".

a games console may wish to use an accelerometer (or tilt system)
where the motion of the device - a small tip to the left - is used in
essence as a mouse or analog joystick.

 i think there's a gnu/linux game where you have a ball-bearing that
you steer through obstacles by moving the mouse to "tilt" a surface.

 the MXC6225 would be completely and utterly inadequate for such a game.


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