[Arm-netbook] Ainol Novo 7 Elf

Marco Caminati spam.caminati at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 24 18:43:36 BST 2012

I apologize for the meaningless subject line of my last post.

> can i ask you if you could do a simple write-up, once you have
> everything going, and add it to the wiki?  it would be good for other
> people also to be able to install things as well.

Sure, thanks for your encouragement. 
I didn't deem my progress relevant, since I already knew of many A10 tablets 
running Linux from mmc/microsd.
If I will actually have everything going 
(I have no idea on how to solve the OTG issue), 
I will take care of the wiki page (I already trimmed it a bit).

Maybe the kernel makeconfig file used to build the kernel I'm using 
could help: cnxsoft, is that available anywhere? 
Alternatively, is it the default one coming from amery's git?

> I've got a Aino.fex at
> https://github.com/cnxsoft/a10-config/tree/master/script.fex. I wonder
> if it is the same as yours.

Well, not entirely the same. The output of (coreutils' diff):

~ $ diff -EbwBa --suppress-common-lines -y  
<(bin2fex ~/MyTablet_script.bin|sed -n -e "/[A-Z,a-z]/ p"| sort) 
<(cat ~/aino.fex | dos2unix |sed -n -e "/[A-Z,a-z]/ p"| sort ) 

is at
with comment lines starting with `;' removed. 
It is fairly human-readable in order to spot the differences, 
however it has long lines, 
so I wasn't sure how readable it would have been if inlined here.
I'll try a pull request, hope I'll be knowing what to do, 
since I am not familiar with git.
For completeness'sake, some useless details; 
here is my tablet's SN: NOVO7EIF120308G025201, 
and original Android Development device ID: OCR2-RLIK-MDY2-D.

I forgot to say that, besides usb OTG mouse, touchscreen is not working, too. 
I mean, as a mouse substitute, of course.

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