[Arm-netbook] First stab at a custom kernel

Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton luke.leighton at googlemail.com
Thu Mar 4 13:32:55 GMT 2010

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 11:46 AM, JLB <j at twu.net> wrote:
> So, has anyone actually taken the plunge yet and dared to try to install a
> new kernel? If none of you guys are willing to take that risk, I am. :)

 he he - it _should_ be fine, as long as there's no GPIOs being pulled
high/low that do weird stuff.  for example, if you look at the
/drivers kernel modules, you'll see that one of them is for a 3G PCI-e
modem.  when i modprobe'd that module, the kernel logs said "switching
on {modem} blah blah".  that tends to suggest that there's some GPIO
being pulled high or low.

 now, you could write a GPIO read/write program (we did this for the
HTC PXA27x-based devices) or maybe one already exists, so you could do
a "watch" on the GPIOs.

 it's probably a good idea to do that anyway, find out what the
existing / running status is of all the GPIO lines, then make sure
that nothing in the 2.6.33 kernel does anything different.


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