I've created a page on the wiki to collect some information about devicetree, so the exact scheme of devicetree support for EOMA68 housings can be worked out:
Feel free to extend/correct/discuss it.
Thanks, Jonathan Neuschäfer
--- crowd-funded eco-conscious hardware: https://www.crowdsupply.com/eoma68
On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 6:33 AM, Jonathan Neuschäfer j.neuschaefer@gmx.net wrote:
I've created a page on the wiki to collect some information about devicetree, so the exact scheme of devicetree support for EOMA68 housings can be worked out:
Feel free to extend/correct/discuss it.
ya looks pretty damn sensible / accurate. i would like the ID to be the same as for USB: manufacturer : device.
also from a *lot* of experience on data formats an upwards-negotiation, i'd like to design something that involves "capabilities" for the format that will *always* be backwards-compatible. once a data-format is defined there will be *NO* changing it, even if the data has to be stored more than once in different formats.