Hello,<br> A rough schematic of an A10 based SBC has been done in Kicad, with the intentions getting it corrected collectively and leave it open, along with all details. Once the schematic is finalized the PCB layout will be done in PADS (due to the DDR3 length matching requirements). In the meantime a Kicad layout also will be done to explore the optimal placement and routing manually.<br>
<br>The files are kept at <a href="http://www.iuac.res.in/%7Eelab/phoenix/SBC/">http://www.iuac.res.in/~elab/phoenix/SBC/</a><br clear="all"><br>Reached here thanks to help from Luke Leighton and Joe Michael. Hope it will move forward with feedback from all.<br>
This is done as a part of the <a href="http://expeyes.in/">expEYES</a> project. <br><br>with regards<br><br>Ajith<br><br><br>-- <br>Dr. Ajith Kumar B.P.<br>Scientist SH<br>Inter-University Accelerator Centre<br>Aruna Asaf Ali Marg<br>
New Delhi 110067<br><a href="http://www.iuac.res.in" target="_blank">www.iuac.res.in</a><br>Ph: (off) 91 11 26893955 (Ext.230)<br> (res)91 11 26897867<br> (mob) 91 9868150852<br>