Output of lsmod;<br><br>Module Size Used by<br>8192cu 509365 0 <br>mali_drm 1954 0 <br>mali 131234 0 <br>hdmi 15253 0 <br>lcd 2706 0 <br>
disp 218686 3 hdmi,lcd<br>ump 42518 2 mali,disp<br><br><br>My xorg.conf;<br><br># X.Org X server configuration file for xfree86-video-mali<br><br>Section "Device"<br> Identifier "Mali FBDEV"<br>
Driver "mali"<br> Option "fbdev" "/dev/fb0"<br> Option "DRI2" "true"<br> Option "DRI2" "true"<br>
Option "DRI2_PAGE_FLIP" "true"<br> Option "DRI2_WAIT_VSYNC" "false"<br>EndSection<br><br>Section "Screen"<br> Identifier "Mali Screen"<br>
Device "Mali FBDEV"<br> DefaultDepth 24<br>EndSection<br><br>Section "DRI"<br> Mode 0666<br>EndSection<br><br>Section "Serverflags"<br> Option "AIGLX" "false"<br>
EndSection<br><br>Section "Module"<br> Disable "dri"<br> Disable "glx"<br>EndSection<br><br><br>Full output of dmesg;<br><a href="http://pastebin.com/0iQY7Mky">http://pastebin.com/0iQY7Mky</a><br>
(spawn error are another bug because of the lack of initrd)<br><br><br>Modules loading order (/etc/modules)<br># /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.<br>#<br># This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded<br>
# at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.<br>lcd<br>hdmi<br>ump<br>disp<br>mali<br>mali_drm<br>8192cu<br><br><br><br><br>A lot of info, but I am lost. Don see why the DRI is not being created.<br>