[Arm-netbook] OLIMEX A10 board

moo cow magcrap at gmail.com
Sat May 26 15:14:04 BST 2012

lör 2012-05-26 klockan 07:59 +0300 skrev Tsvetan Usunov - OLIMEX Ltd:

> unfortunately this will rise the price and board size too much, so
> 512MB is what we will do
> can you tell me which application will need 1GB or RAM

Pretty much anything with a GUI imho.

Equipped with 512MB you only have ~320MB for the OS after framebuffer,
GPU, VPU and a couple of other things have taken their share of the RAM.


example application struggling in 512MB - Squeezebox server (very
popular monolithic media server written mostly in perl and using a
dbase extensively)  .. this absolutely sucks ram (running in a lean
CLI Debian and 512MB RAM plug)  and boy does it churn that fast SD
card when it needs the RAM  .. for this 1GB would be great  .. i could
then add a few other things as well on to the server :-)

SATA + 1GB for squeezebox server would be a great upgrade for it





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