[Arm-netbook] 3.0.8 kernel only detects 512 MB RAM on 1 GB device

Steven Pledger steevstevep at gmail.com
Tue May 15 20:52:42 BST 2012

huaixiaoz <huaixiaoz <at> gmail.com> writes:

> hello,i  have  senn that you have runned  the  ubuntu on you Nova Elf tab,
> and  using self's  kernel,
> Amy table is onda elite vi10   ,
> it just  like   yours  ,     i have  tried to flash the  nova elf's  
> image to mine,
> and  the touchscreen doesn't   work ,   so  does    the camera
>   the wifi ,sd,screen,usb OTG all works  well....
> As this  ,i think that the a10 based  table all  seems  alike.
> what i want to know is
> how do you make  the ubuntu's   image??
>    the  lichee-3.0.8-sun4i  branch can  be used  for android ??


I wrote about how I install Ubuntu on the Elf and dual-boot with ICS here:

For the Onda tab you will have to use your own script.bin and possibly the 
ft5x_ts driver instead of goodix_touch for the touchscreen.

To make goodix_touch to work with Linux I had to disable multi-touch, the same 
might be required for ft5x_ts.

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