[Arm-netbook] Intel small computer

Vladimir Pantelic vladoman at gmail.com
Wed May 2 08:27:15 BST 2012

Henrik Nordström wrote:
> tis 2012-05-01 klockan 23:58 +0300 skrev Tsvetan Usunov - OLIMEX Ltd:
>>  http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/127903-watch-out-raspberry-pi-intel-unveils-ultra-small-next-unit-of-computing-pc
>>  although $100 and need FAN to cool the processor so I guess it's about
>>  15-20W power hungry
> That $100 guess seems to be without CPU, memory or any storage, and is
> all speculation so far.

I'd guess there is a CPU already soldered (one of the laptop-ish i3s/i5s),
and the r-pi does not come with "storage" either :)

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